Tuesday 5 May 2009

Jab, Jab, Jab

I've not written a blog entry for ages so it's time to have a catch up.


Kieran and me drove up to look at a car. My mechanical know-how being virtually non-existent meant that it looked fine to me but Kieran pointed out some lights that were flashing in a way that was "Not Good". We decided against it.


We needed visas for Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. Disappointingly pricey at just over £400 each, they are now in the hands of the Visa Gods. Okay, not the Visa Gods - The Adventurists Visa Service.


It's hard to know what the genuine risks are when you're going to places outside of Europe. Sure Mongolia suffers from plague in August, but really - are you likely to catch it? So what vaccinations to have.